Optical Process-Sensors
Exner Process Equipment develops and manufactures NIR- Sensors (single channel) for the determination of absorption levels in liquids. By its modern monolithic structure, the optical unit provides as yet unmatched repeat and measurement accuracy. Industrial sectors like the Beverage- and Food-Industry as well as BioTech Companies and chemical plants apply Exner Sensors in their processes.

All fluids and liquids absorb light. This absorption (A) is thereby depending on the particular liquid‘s consistence (concentration) and stands in the following proportion to Transmission (T): A=log 1/T. Recurrent proportions follow recurrent absorptions, thus making this method of measurement a perfect fit to screening and control requirements in production processes. By using a wave-length within the NIR-range (EN 27027) color-influences are being eliminated from the measuring results. Exner’s transmitted light method impresses by its enormous responsitivity combined with a wide effective range.

By its unique composition the Sensor’s optical Measurment-Units deliver highest repeat accuracy even when exposed to stress by immense thermal changes. All our sensors are autoclavable as well as certified für CIP-processes. Used in fluids with highly coating characteristics our sensors can be combined with our approved changeover devices of the EXtract-Series to allow for a fully automated cleaning.

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